50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Thank you for your support!
Citizens marching in the August 28, 2013 will experience a special moment in history after the August 28, 2013 March concludes on the National Mall. Today it was announced that President Barack Obama has chosen to speak to the nation on August 28, 2013 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. This will make the August 28, 2013 “March for Jobs and Justice” extra special. On August 28, 2013 at 8:15 am we will gather at 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. From there we will march to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to hear the President speak from the very spot where Dr. King delivered his speech “I Have a Dream” speech 50 years ago. America “Our time [August 28, 2013 at 8:15 am] has come”! Join us!
(Details regarding the start time and the exact route of the March are available by going to the Home Page of this web site and by pressing the red “March on Washington” button. Also go to the Home Page to get details regarding the Conference on Civil Rights which will take place on August 27, 2013 at the Washington Court Hotel. Register on line, on this web site, today.)
We realize that many people are traveling great distances to attend the August 27, 2013 Conference on Civil Rights and the August 28, 2013 March on Washington. Moreover, because these (and other activities) may require that you stay over night, we’ve made arrangements with the hotel(s) listed below which will ensure that the cost of your stay is reasonable and affordable. We also wanted it to be convenient. So just click on the link below and enter the special promotional code and reserve your room today. Hurry because these rooms won’t last at this rate!”
St. Gregory Luxury Hotel & Suites
2033 M St NW, Washington, DC
(202) 530-3600 · stgregoryhotelwdc.com
50th Anniversary March on Washington Special Rate
Rates From $119 per night for single and double occupancy Deluxe Rooms
From $139 per night for single and double occupancy Jr. Suites
Rates Includes Complimentary High Speed Internet
Beacon Hotel & Corporate Quarters
1615 Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC
(202) 296-2100 · beaconhotelwdc.com
50th Anniversary March on Washington Special Rate
Rates From $119 per night for single and double occupancy Deluxe Rooms
From $139 per night for single and double occupancy Jr. Suites
Rates Includes Complimentary High Speed Internet
Capitol Hill Hotel
200 C St SE Washington, DC 20003
(202) 543-6000 · capitolhillhotel-dc.com
50th Anniversary March on Washington Special Rate
Rates From $119 per night for Junior Suite Queen
From $139 per night for Junior Suite Queen and Sofa Bed
Rate includes Complimentary Continental Breakfast
Do you know why these community leaders from North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida ( with the black wristbands ) are smiling? They’ve joined the fastest growing grassroots civil rights movement in our nation – “63 Minutes of Peace”. For 63 minutes (starting at 3:00 pm on August 28, 2013) people from across this country are committing themselves to doing something positive, peaceful, and productive in their communities.
We picked August 28th because that was the day that the March on Washington took place. We choose 63 minutes because that was the year of the great March on Washington. We decided on a start time of 3:00 pm because that was the time that Martin Luther King Jr. began delivering the speech that changed the world.
So… at 3:00 pm, on August 28, 2013, you too can begin to change the world. Take 63 minutes of that day to mentor a young person; cut an elderly person’s lawn; read to your child; fill out a job or college application; study for an upcoming school exam; volunteer to help someone learn how to read; participate in a voter registration effort; or just do something, beginning at 3:00 pm on August 28, 2013, that is peaceful, positive, and productive. At 4:03 pm, whatever it is that you’ve done during those 63 minutes, you may find that, like Dr. King, you’ve begun changing your neighborhood, your country, or maybe even the world.
Most say that it took Dr. King about 17 minutes, from beginning to end, to finish his speech on August 28, 1963. Imagine what you can accomplish in 63 minutes on August 28, 2013. Peace!
Given the recent acquittal of George Zimmerman, this “March for Jobs and Justice” takes on even greater significance. Indeed, our permit (issued by the D.C. Police Department) to peaceably march on the Department of Justice on August 28, 2013, gives us an opportunity to send a message to Attorney General Eric Holder that we support a Department of Justice investigation into civil rights violations by Mr. Zimmerman.
“There is clearly precedent for this kind of investigation and prosecution by the Department of Justice”, said Van White, civil rights lawyer and founder of the Center for the Study of Civil and Human Rights Laws. White noted that “In 1964 when Mississippi state officials failed to prosecute the murderers of three civil rights workers (James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner) the Department of Justice successfully prosecuted the killers with conspiring to deprive the three civil right workers of their civil rights.”
“Similarily, a strong argument could be made that Zimmerman deprived Trayvon Martin of his civil rights when he took his life. Hopefully, citizens from across this country will join us in making that point at the steps of the Department of Justice on August 28, 2013.” White said. The March for Jobs and Justice (which begins at 8:30 am on August 28, 2013 at 600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W.) is just one of any number of events which celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and which also draws attention to the serious issues which continue to frustrate a great many Americans fifty years after the ’63 March on Washington.
After you’ve decided to go to the march, you’ll have to decide how you’ll get there and (if you should decide to stay over night) where you’ll stay once you get there.
There are a number of events which are planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. For example, the Civil Rights Conference and Commemorative March referenced in this web site are scheduled for August 27th and 28th respectively. The date of the activity that you attend will, of course, determine when and how you will get there. Similar to the march in ’63, some folks will drive and others may charter buses take them to Washington, D.C. Here’s a couple of ideas and options:
For those of planning a “road trip” in your own car or in someone else’s car, there’s always your GPS or good ole MapQuest. MapQuest can be accessed by going to www.mapquest.com.
Companies like Greyhound and Trailways have large capacity and commuter buses that leave from most U.S. cities and towns. Fares, scheduling, and ticketing information is available by going to www.trailways.com or www.greyhound.com.
With the right number of people, arranging for a charter bus to Washington, D.C. can make a lot of sense. Companies like US Coachways (uscoachways.com); Academy Bus (www.academybus.com); Trailways (www.trailways.com) all provide charter bus services. Of course there are many other companies that provide these services. Announcing and organizing through your church, synagogue, mosque, school, or community group, may be the best way to identify a sufficient number of people to make this approach most cost effective. Speak to your pastor, youth group leader, or other leaders to help you in this effort.
We get lots of emails from people across the country regarding how they will get to Washington, D.C. at the end of August. If you are arranging a charter bus, please use the CONTACT page on this website and we will post the date, time, and location (from which your charter will leave) on this page. In the meantime, below are some of the groups which have arranged charter buses. (NOTE: Please make sure you check the dates that these buses are leaving and returning – as their dates of travel may not coincide with the events which you want to attend. For example, some of these charters are being organized for a wonderful event arranged by SAN which will take place on August 24, 2013. However, if you want to attend the Civil Rights Conference on August 27th or the “March for Jobs and Justice” which will take place on August 28th (the date of the actual anniversary), you may want to make other arrangements. Better yet… if you have the time and resources, please attend all of the events. No matter what events you attend, making plans for your travel will ensure that you have a positive experience while in Washington. God Bless and safe travels!