50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Thank you for your support!
When Jefferson Davis High School Social Studies teachers Shanesta Pettway and Aisha Taylor reached out to us through www50thanniversarymarchonwashington.com, we got an idea. Why not use modern day technology and facilitate the Alabama students’ virtual participation in the conference by having them participate via the world-wide web? There were two clear reasons to do this. One… Montgomery, Alabama is, arguably, the birth place of the America Civil Rights movement. Second, if we are serious about addressing the needs of our nation, we must encourage the next generation of civil rights leadership. This gave us the idea of inviting additional students to this discussion. However, we didn’t have to look very far.
Three students from Tangipahoa Parish in Louisiana (who just finished an “anti-poverty and anti-peonage tour”) will join the students from Montgomery, Alabama in this exciting Student Speak Out. While these Louisiana students will be there with us at the Washington Court Hotel, the students from Jefferson Davis High School will participate (from Montgomery, Alabama) via the internet. Even after their panel discussion is finished, these students will continue to participate in the conference by listening, watching, and interacting with subsequent panelists and conference attendees. This is an exciting way to tap into technology and youth leadership. Special thanks to teachers Ms. Pettway Ms. Taylor; principal Bobby Abrams; former principal Cheryl Fountain; and Ms. Antoinette Harrell for having the vision and inspiration to educate their students (and the rest of us) in this manner.