50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Thank you for your support!
With panel discussions, featured speakers, and open discussion groups this is as unique and ambitious a conference on civil rights that you have ever attended. On August 27, 2013, attendees to the “Marching Forward By Looking Back” Conference on Civil Rights will leave with a more comprehensive understanding of the problems and solutions that will allow us to make the progress that Doctor King dreamed of 50 years ago.
Beyond that come prepared to march – for on the following day (August 28, 2013) our D.C. Police permit has us marching first to the Department of Labor (to emphasize our call for economic justice) and
then to the Department of Justice (to emphasize our call for civil and criminal justice). After that we shall gather at the steps of the Lincoln Monument as Doctor King did a half a century ago.
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the ’63 March, registration for this conference is just $50.00 per adult, $25.00 per student. Registration fees will be used to defray the cost of the Conference. You can pay online (below) or mail in your payment.
Conference schedule and info can be viewed or downloaded from the link below:
make check / money order/ cashiers check payable to:
The Center For the Study of Civil and Human Rights Laws
18 Grove Place
Rochester, New York 14605
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