50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Thank you for your support!
Fannie Lou Hamer once said “All my life I’ve been sick and tired. Now I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.” If anyone had a reason to be “sick and tired” of being “sick and tired” it was Fannie Lou Hamer. Sterilized against her will when she was just a child and jailed and beaten for demanding and exercising the rights which we take for granted today, Ms. Hamer epitomized the blend of courage, community, and confidence that made the civil rights movement the success that it was.
If you know a woman, in your community, who has committed her life or profession to the cause of civil and human rights, please nominate her to receive the 2013 Fannie Lou Hamer Civil Rights Award. Nominations can be submitted in the form below and are due no later than June 1, 2013.
The 2013 award will be announced at the August 27, 2013 Marching Forward By Looking Back Conference On Civil Rights.